Dacia Maxi Break

dacia maxibreak prototype autoshow oct 2007Dacia Maxi Break is a limousine made in the 1983-1984 period, by Dacia Service Pitesti. This was right after the succes of the Dacia Sport. It was derived from the Dacia 1310 Break and was made in two versions. The second version was made in 10-12 units. There was also developed an ambulance version.

Maxi Break is 5125 mm long, has 8 seats, uses 175 SR 14 tires and weighs 1156 kg. It was designed by engineer Nicolae Cosmescu.


More pictures and discussions of this model here.



AUTOSHOW magazine 21/2007

dacia maxibreak dacia maxi break two models dacia 1310 maxi break ambulance




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