Category Archives: Oltcit

Oltcit Craiova plant cars

Prototipuri Oltcit intre doua epoci

Prototipuri Oltcit: Oltcit Oltina 11R (1989) un prototip cu 5 usi pe o platforma extinsa.

Prototip Oltcit Oltina Prototip Oltcit OltinaPrototip Oltcit Oltina

Prototip Oltcit: Oltcit prototip cu 5 usi.

Prototip Oltcit 5 usi Prototip Oltcit 5 usi Prototip Oltcit 5 usi

Prototip Oltcit: Oltcit Sbarro, un prototip realizat la sfarsitul anilor 1980, de catre designerul Franco Sbarro.

Prototip Oltcit Sbarro Prototip Oltcit Sbarro Prototip Oltcit Sbarro

Prototip Oltcit: Oltcit 4X4, un prototip facut la Campulug Muscel cu sasiu de ARO si caroserie de Oltcit.

Prototip Oltcit - Aro 4x4 Prototip Oltcit - Aro 4x4

Oltcit Special

oltcit special front 1982Autoturismele Oltcit Special sunt echipate cu motoare  M 031, car – încercate la stand – au rumatoarele caracteristici:

  • putere maxină de 34 CP (25 kw), la turatia de 5 250 rot/ min
  • moment maxim de 5,1 daN.m, la turatia de 3 500 rot/ min
  • turatie maxima  6 250 rot/ min
  • zona de functionare stabila intre turatiile 3 500 – 6 250 rot/ min

La motorul autoturismului Oltcit Special – cu cilindreea de 652 cmc – se apreciaza faptul ca, fata de alte motoare similare, poseda unii parametrii principali superiori. In plus, suprafata interioara a cilindrilor turnati din aluminiu este acoperita cu un strat subtire de aliaj pe baza de nichel, depus pe cale electrilitica, prin procedeul numit Nikasil. Rezistenta mare la uzura a cilindrilor nichelati mareste durabilitatea si fiabilitatea motoarelor si reduce consumul de ulei, segmentii rodându-se si devenind etanşi mult mai rapid. Pentru îmbunătăţirea condiţiilor de funcţionare ale motorului (pornirea la rece, reducerea poluarii atmosferei, cresterea randamentului, reducerea consumului de combustibil etc.) este folosita aprinderea electronică integrală, realizată în licenţă THOMPSON – MOTOROLA.

Viteze maxime:

  •  doar sofer (870 kg): 119,5 km/ h la 5 800 rot/ min
  • cu încărcătură (1250 kg): 116 km/ h la 5 630 rot/ min

 Articol foarte intersant despre Oltcit in limba engleza, multe imagini.


dr. ing. TRAIAN CANTA – Autoturismele Oltcit, Editura Tehnica, 1987


oltcit special back

Oltcit in 1981

oltcit 1982 galben craiova almanah auto Oltcit has first appeared  at the TIB 1981. It was a very anticipated vehicle, projects for the Craiova plant started in 1976.  Oltcit was presented in two versions: Special and Club. The Oltcit Special weighs 835 kg and has a 2 cylinder 652 cc 34 HP at 5 250 rpm engine. The thing that brought attention to the Special model was its` engine starting system. The starting system uses two magnetic sensors which sends signal down to a microprocessor, and from there to the sparking plugs. The Oltcit Club weighs 875 kg and has a 4 cylinder 1 129 cc 56.5 HP at 6 250 rpm engine.

The maximum speed was 120 km/ h for Oltcit Special and 149 m/ h for the Oltcit Club. Fuel consumption at 90 km/ h was of 5.7 l at the Specialmodel and 6.7 l at the Club model. The urban fuel consumption was 7.3 l (Special) and 9.7 l (Club ).



Almanah Auto 1982 – Al. SOLOMONESCU

fisa tehnica oltcit special club

Prototypes at TIB 1989

romanian prototypes 1989 autoturismAt the Targul International Bucuresti 1989, which took place between the 14th and 22nd of October, were presented some very interesting unique models – from Timisoara,  Craiova and Pitesti. In the first picture we see an extended Lastun, with a metallic bodywork. The second model is a four door Oltcit, called Oltina.  The red Dacia below is a 1100 cc, 45 HP model.



Autoturism magazine – November 1989

Oltcit Club

oltcit club front yellowblue oltcit club in forest red oltcit club on road oltcit club at tib 1983 red oltcit club tib 1982

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