Author Archives: Marius Crisan

Aro M461

ims aro m461 salon auto2Aro M461 este o masina tot-teren de opt locuri cu doua usi, avand un motor de patru cilindri cu capacitatea de 2 512 cmc montat in fata. Tractiunea pe cele patru roti.

  • Motorul are 70 CP/ DIN la 3 800 rot. min; alezajul X cursa 97 X 85 mm; raportul de compresie 7,2 : 1 ; cuplul maxim 16,55 kgfm la 2 700 rot/ min; racirea cu lichid, capacitatea instalatiei fiind de 12,5 l; carburator Weber tip 207/42 DSR; pompa de benzina mecanica; filtru de aer umed cu tesatura metalica; filtru de ulei in circuitul principal; capacitatea instalatiei de ulei 5,5 l.
  • Transmisia: ambreiaj monodisc uscat cu comanda hidraulica, cutie de viteze cu patru etaje (II, III si IV sincronizate), cutie de distributie, leviere de comanda dispuse central.
  • Suspensia: cu arcuri cu foi semieliptice si amortizoare hidraulice; pneuri 6,5 X 16; presiunea in fata 2 at, iar in spate 2,25 at
  • Frana: cu tamburi; comanda hidraulica
  • Directia: cu melc globoidal
  • Dimensiuni, date: lungimea 385,4 cm latimea 171 cm, inaltimea 205 cm ; ampatamentul 233,5 cm ; garda la sol 22 cm ; urca rampe de 32 grade ; trece vaduri cu adancimea de 50 cm ; diametrul de viraj 13 m ; masa proprie 1 550 kg ; capacitatea rezervorului de combustibil 70 l ; consumul de combustibil la 100 km, 14,5 l ; viteza maxima 100 km/ h.


VASILE PARIZESCU, VICTOR SIMTION, Salon Automobil, Editura Tehnica, 1973


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Official Aro m461 website.

Aro 240

aro 240 salon automobilAro 240 is a three door all terrain vehicle made from 1972. It uses the upgraded 4 cylinder L 25 engine that develops 83 HP at 4200 rpm. The 4×4 all terain has a 2.35 m wheel base, 0.22 m ground clearance, weighs 1550 kg and has a maximum load of 2250 kg. Dimensions: length 4.03 m, width 1.775 m, height 1.88 m. Normal consumption is 12 l 100 km and off road consumption is 12-20 l /100 km. Maximum speed 115 km /h.


Aro 240 on IMCDB.


Autoturisme si performante, AUREL  BREBENEL, DUMITRU VOICHIN, 1983

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Dacia 1302

dacia 1302Dacia 1302 is the first Dacia pick-up ever built. Named at first simply Dacia 1300 C. The pick-up weighs 880 kg and has a maximum load of 1370 kg. It uses the same 1289 cmc engine from Dacia 1300. Production started in 1975.





Autoturismul Dacia 1300, BREBENEL MONDIRU FARCAS, 1978

dacia 1302 pick up cover dacia 1302 lateral dacia 1302 back fisa tehnica dacia 1302 papuc

Dacia 1302 at IMCD.

Dacia 1300 LS

dacia 1300 LS lux superDacia 1300 LS (Lux Super) is a similar version to Lux, but has a lot more extra upgrades like luxury steering wheel, back windscreen semisting, electrical connection to a radio, fridge, tv etc, ornamental rims and others. Also known as Dacia 1301 LS, which was the Securitate`s oficcers vehicle.


An article about a 1300 LS in mint condition.


Autoturismul Dacia 1300, BREBENEL, MONDIRU, FARCAS, 1978




Dacia 1300 L

dacia 1300 L luxDacia 1300 L (Lux) is a derived superior version from the 1300 Standard. It has many modifications like double circuit braking system, electric windscreen wipers, PVC carpets and other small  insignificant changes.






Autoturismul Dacia 1300, BREBENEL, MONDIRU, FARCAS, 1978


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