TV 41-C

tv 41 C mini truck

TV 41-C is a 4×2 dropside truck, using the 70 HP engine from IMS at that time. TV 41-C was made at Autobuzul factory in Bucharest.



The observer`s book of commercial vehicles, 1971tv 41 C commercial vehicles

Dacia 1310 MS and MLS

dacia 1310 MS and MLSDacia 1310 MS and the MLS version have all the same engine, transmission and mechanical output, but differ only on the outside. These versions have a more sporty look.



Autoturisme Dacia, CORNELIU MONDIRU, Editura Tehnica, 1990


oltcit prototype oltina 4 door patru usiOltina is a four door Oltcit prototype presented in 1989.

Dacia Jumbo

dacia 1308 jumbo 1992

Dacia Jumbo este un prototip prezentat la Targul de automobile Pitesti din 1992. Prototipul a fost expus cu un nou motor de 1,6 litri (neintrat inca in productie).


Autoturism magazine, 06/ 1992

dacia 1308 jumbo

Aro 10.4

aro 10 4 impecabilAro 10.4 is a three door, five seater combi all terrain vehicle. It uses the I.A.P. 810-R-99 1289 cmc engine from Dacia 1300.  The Aro 10.4 has a 2.4 m wheel base,  0.225 m ground clearance, weighs 1100 kg and holds a 46 l fuel tank. The 54 HP at 5250 rpm engine drives the car to a maximum speed of 115 km/h.

Some images with a very nice red Aro 10.4



Autoturisme si performante, AUREL  BREBENEL, DUMITRU VOICHIN, 1983

aro 10 10 4aro 10 4 legenda

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