Tag Archives: 4×4

Aro 246

aro 246Aro 246 este unul din rezultatele „miscarii” de diversificare a productiei, miscare care are loc nu doar la Aro, cat si la Dacia, Oltcit s.a. Automobilul face parte din familia Aro 24 si este o combinatie, sa zicem asa, intre variantele 244 si 243. Caroseria este complet metalica, cu cinci usi si cu un generos spatiu pentru bagaje sau marfuri. Tot-terenul poate transporta sapte persoane (inclusiv soferul), cinci dintre ele asezate pe fotoliile din fata si pe bancheta din spate, iar doua pe strapontine. Atat pasagerii de pe bancheta din spate, cat si cei de pe strapontine sunt asezati cu fata spre inainte. In caz de nevoie, bancheta din spate si strapontinele se pot rabata in vederea transportului unor marfuri mai voluminoase. In acelasi scop a fost adaptat pavilionul suprainaltat, specific variantei 243. Aro 246 venea cu o dotare interioara moderna si eleganta: scaune anatomice, centuri de securitate pentru toate locurile (exceptie fac strapontinele), un bord mai bine dotat, suprafata vitrata marita.

Reconditionare a unui Aro 246 facuta de un american pe acest forum.


revista AUTOTURISM nr. 9/ 1991

revista AUTOTURISM nr. 1/ 1994

aro 246 test

Aro 240

aro 240 salon automobil

Aro 240 face parte din gama autoturismelor 24 realizate in mai multe variante: 240 (patru usi, cinci locuri) 245 si 246 (cu suprastructura din fibre de sticla, cu doua si patru usi, cu caroserie metalica si din fibre de sticla). Noile modele au modificari importante fata de M-461.

  • Motorul avand capacitatea de 2 495 cmc dezvolta o putere de 75 CP/ DIN la 4 000 rot/ min. Are o noua galerie cu admisie (din aliaj usor) si de evacuare cu un profil modern. Instalatia de racire este capsulata avand vas de expansiune; se realizeaza si racirea uleiului printr-un radiator montat in circuit, fapt ce a permis reducerea capacitatii baii de ulei de la 6,5 la 5,5 l. Consumul de benzina scade la 13,5 l/ 100 km; aerarea carterului motorului a fost ameliorata, evitandu-se emanatiile de gaze nocive. Ca urmare a modificarilor aduse galeriilor de admisie si evacuare s-a micsorat inaltimea motorului cu 8 cm, ceea ce a permis montarea capotei mai jos, realizand o vizibilitate sporita.
  • Transmisia a fost completata cu o cutie de viteze cu patru etaje sincronizate si un reductor cu doua trepte.
  • Suspensia: cu roti independente si arcuri elicoidale in fata, cu arcuri cu foi in spate; amortizoare hidraulice tip Armstrong. Pneuri 8.20 X 16 sau 7.50 X 16.
  • Franele: cu comanda hidraulica au fost dotate cu un dispozitiv de autoreglare
  • Caroseria: complet redesenata avand un aspect placut si elegant, dublata cu un chit antifonic, iar la imbinarile pieselor din tabla s-a utilizat mastic.
  • Dimensiuni: lungimea 396,4 cm, latimea 178 cm, inaltimea 188 cm.
  • Farurile rotunde au fost schimbate cu doua faruri rectangulare si cu fascicul asimetric, asigurand o luminozitate sporita; dinamul a fost inlocuit cu un alternator de 500 W. Capacitatea rezervorului de 85 l ; viteza maxima 110 km/ h.

Aro 240 on IMCDB.


Autoturisme si performante, AUREL  BREBENEL, DUMITRU VOICHIN, 1983

aro 240munte almanah 1973 aro 240 salon muntearo 240 mountain copy aro 240 descoperitaro 240 off road 4x4 aro almanah land cars copy 240 aro 24 lot uzina fabrica aro 240 munte 1985aro 240 raliu autocros aro service reparatie 240


The Aro history starts in 1885, when in Campulung-Muscel the „Campulung Letea” paper factory is founded. Between the two world wars the factory has been producing propellers and shooting gear for the Brasov IAR airplanes. After the World War II, the plant was producing textile machines, locks, chains and others.

  • 1950s

aro 4x4 ims 57 1957In 1953 was developed the first romanian motorcycle, the IMS 53.  It was made in only 12 units, it had a two-cylinder, 350 cc engine. The motorcycle whereabouts are unknown. In the same time at Campulung were produced spare parts for the URSS all terrain vehicles GAZ-67 and GAZ MM. Spare parts like pistons, radiators, springs,  or even complete engines. In 1957, the engineers from Campulung-Muscel developed the first romanian 4×4 vehicle, using asimilated spare parts from those produced for GAZ vehicles. It was named simply IMS 57, initials from the „Intreprinderea Metalurgica de Stat” and the year of production. IMS 57 had an four-cylinder, 3260 cc, 50 HP at 2800 rpm engine. The all terain has a total weight of 2265 kg, a load capacity of 650 kg, and a fuel consumption of 24 l/ 100 km at the maximum speed of 80 km/ h.

Two years later, the IMS 59 vehicle has been developed. It used some pressed bodywork elements from the Steagul Rosu vehicles. It uses an improved 56 HP at 2900 rpm engine, an romanian carburetor UT 550 and electric windscreen wipers (the IMS 57 had manual wipers). The max speed was increased at 90 km/ h, the fuel consumption was reduced to 21 l/ 100 km and the maximum slope climb was increased at 30º from 25º. In 1959 were produced 760 units of IMS 57 and 803 units of IMS 59. Production of the IMS 59 rose to 3222 units in 1963.

  • 1960s

aro ims m461In 1964 began the production of the M-461 model. M-461 was a lot more competitive, regarding reliability, performances and quality which lead to exports starting the following year. The new model has a total weight of 2200 kg, reaches a maxium speed of 100 km/ h and has a fuel consumption of 17 l/ 100 km at 80 km/ h. The M 207 engine is now developing 70 HP at 3800 rpm, and was later upgraded to 77 HP at 4000 rpm. Until 1975, when production of M-461 ceased, were built 80223 units, with 46549 units exported. The exports of M461 began in 1965.

The engine cylinder capacity was reduced from 2512 cc to 2495 cc for customs taxes purposes. The L25 was once again improved by redesigning the filter, the intake and exhaust pipe by incresing the compression ratio to 8 : 1 the engine power was increased to 80 HP at 4000 rpm. These improvements lead to a fuel consumption of only 16 l/ 100 km. In 1965 the factory expanded and the production capacity increased to 10000 vehicles/ year and 5000 equipments for „TV”/ year.  Factory`s built size increased to 33000 m2 from 13000 m2 in 1955. After 1966 began the designing of a complete new vehicle. It was later named Aro 240.

  •  1970s

The new family of Aro 24 was a very daring project. Aro 24 came with a brand new bodywork, curved chassis and it was the second after Range Rover to implement front independent suspensions.aro 4x4 241 romania




Discussions about Aro and others on this forum.

Great pictures from romanian alternative website. Automobile Romanesti.

Older romanian article: Istoria Aro.


Aro 244

aro 244 4wd transportul modernAro 244 is a five door, five seater all terrain vehicle. It uses the same engine as other „brothers” in the 24 family – 83 HP 4 cylinder L 25. The Aro 244 weighs 1660 kg and has a maximum load of 2200 kg. Maximum speed 115 km /h.



Autoturisme si performante, AUREL  BREBENEL, DUMITRU VOICHIN, 19aro 244 rally off roadaro 244aro 244 aro 240 coperta copy aro 244 1987 aro 244 police car politia aro 244 winter aro 244 crasharo 244 saritura copy

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